LensLinks Issue 353

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Is This the Age of AI BS?

  • Internet Computer blockchain has raised $77M | Dfinity Foundation

  • Doctor Who AI Controversy Cancels Promotion

  • HSBC’s Gold Token Goes Live for Retail Investors in Hong Kong

  • Goldman Sachs reveals 'resurgence' for crypto, considers new investment

  • Video: VR games or training tools?

  • We're entering the age of AI BS

  • Gather AI Raises $17 Million for AI-Powered Inventory Monitoring

  • Meta just announced SceneScript, a method for understanding and representing 3D scenes

  • $7.5B AI crypto token merger scheduled for community vote on April 2

  • Amid Giant Crypto Rally, Hopes for Another DeFi Summer Soar

  • The Rise Of Crypto’s Billion Dollar Zombies

  • An old #Bitcoin wallet from 2010 just moved $140 Million worth of Bitcoin. The owner of the wallet hodled all the way from $0.30 to $71000.

  • Coinbase Hits a Snag in Its Battle With the SEC.

  • And Much, Much, More…

#regimentco #AI #vrtraining #simulators #drwho #meta


“The ICP community has made tremendous strides this past year, from expanding the ICP Hubs Network globally to integrating Bitcoin at the protocol level directly on-chain to allow cryptocurrency to be used in everyday applications.”

- Lomesh Dutta, vice president of growth at Dfinity Foundation


The Singularity
AI, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Bio-engineering & Other Stuff on the way

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Crypto Trading

VR, AR, Spatial Computing, Metaverse & Gaming

The Singularity - a little more…

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi - a little more…

Crypto Trading - a little more…

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

Disclaimer: This note is distributed by Regiment, LLC for informational purposes only and is sourced from publicly available media reports. It is not an investment recommendation or solicitation for any investment. The information is current as of date and subject to change. In such case Regiment, LLC does not undertake to provide any updates. Recipients must be aware that any private, alternative investments discussed are speculative in nature, often illiquid, and subject to loss of capital.


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LensLinks Issue 354


LensLinks Issue 352