LensLinks Issue 369

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SBF Snitches…

  • Louis Vuitton’s $8K phygital jacket shows NFTs are here to stay

  • The Dawn Of A New Era: AI's Revolutionary Role In Accounting

  • FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried Snitches on These Crypto Influencers

  • Binance’s Rivals Muscle In on Bitcoin Trading Around the World

  • Apple Vision Pro faces more competition than ever before as Meta makes its Quest VR software open to ANYONE​

  • When to expect Quantum Computers? - Bigger Picture by Quantum Leonardo

  • Pay No Attention to the Person behind the Algorithm: A Brief History of Automatons That Were Actually People

  • Scientists inch closer to holy grail of memory breakthrough — producing tech that combines NAND and RAM features could be much cheaper to produce and consume far less power

  • Bitcoin Miners Have Raked in Abnormal Transaction Fees Since Halving: Bernstein

  • US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving

  • ESG: BlackRock triples spending on security for CEO Larry Fink due to ESG backlash

  • And Much, Much, More…

#regimentco #esg #blackRock #SBF #LouisVuitton #ai


“Upon request by Class Representatives, [Sam Bankman-Fried] shall voluntarily provide documents and information, to the extent such documents and information are reasonably accessible to him without service of a subpoena, upon reasonable notice, and provide truthful declarations or affidavits upon request.

- SBF Civil Case filing


The Singularity
AI, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Bio-engineering & Other Stuff on the way

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Crypto Trading

VR, AR, Spatial Computing, Metaverse & Gaming

The Singularity - a little more…

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi - a little more…

Crypto Trading - a little more…

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

Disclaimer: This note is distributed by Regiment, LLC for informational purposes only and is sourced from publicly available media reports. It is not an investment recommendation or solicitation for any investment. The information is current as of date and subject to change. In such case Regiment, LLC does not undertake to provide any updates. Recipients must be aware that any private, alternative investments discussed are speculative in nature, often illiquid, and subject to loss of capital.


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LensLinks Issue 370


LensLinks Issue 368