LensLinks Issue 375

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Nick Bostrom - What if AI Fixes Everything?

  • The Fed announced a big change today. And no, we’re not talking about interest rates

  • Nick Bostrom Made the World Fear AI. Now He Asks: What if It Fixes Everything?

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs sold for millions in 2021—prices have dropped 90% since then

  • Time To Buy The Bitcoin Dip? Analyst Upbeat As Federal Reserve Turns Dovish

  • Cage the Elephant Can't Outrun Their Dreams on New Single 'Metaverse'

  • Satoshi Nakamoto’s Important “Bitcoin Money” Message Cited by Samson Mow

  • Beyond Graphene: A New World of 2D Materials Is Opening Up

  • Council Post: 3 Surprising Innovations Being Driven By Generative AI

  • DTIF expands digital token identifier for crypto derivatives regulatory reporting - The TRADE

  • Cage the Elephant Can't Outrun Their Dreams on New Single 'Metaverse'

  • Coinbase Stock Falls After Earnings. Bitcoin Is Casting Dark Clouds.

  • And Much, Much, More…

#regimentco #satoshi #AI #coinbase


"Deploying AI in ecosystems running on blockchain technology raises novel issues for supervision, risk management, and compliance, as well as enforcement."

- CFTC Commissioner Kristin Johnson


The Singularity
AI, Quantum Computing, Robotics, Bio-engineering & Other Stuff on the way

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi

Crypto Trading

VR, AR, Spatial Computing, Metaverse & Gaming

The Singularity - a little more…

Blockchain, Tokens & DeFi - a little more…

Crypto Trading - a little more…

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

Disclaimer: This note is distributed by Regiment, LLC for informational purposes only and is sourced from publicly available media reports. It is not an investment recommendation or solicitation for any investment. The information is current as of date and subject to change. In such case Regiment, LLC does not undertake to provide any updates. Recipients must be aware that any private, alternative investments discussed are speculative in nature, often illiquid, and subject to loss of capital.


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LensLinks Issue 376


LensLinks Issue 374